Most spider bites do not have poisonous venom in them; yet, it is best that you know what to do in case you are bitten. Although you will likely live after it happens, still, you will experience a painful sensation in your body afterwards, even for a while, until the spot heals. In this article we will tell you about spider bites treatment, so you are ready when it happens.
Apart from some pain, the bite can cause your body to itch for a while and leave you feeling miserable for the rest of the day or for as long as the wound exists. Check out the best homemade first aid kit for more information.

Knowing the right spider bites treatment is essential to helping you get over a nasty feeling after a bite so that you can enjoy the rest of your day in a pleasant way.
How to Treat Non Dangerous Spider Bites
- Identify the type of spider that bit you. Your first move to knowing how to apply treatment for spider bites is for you to identify the type of spider that bites you. As said, most spider venom is not serious and therefore, it is up to you to determine which ones are serious from the ones that are not.
If you are not sure which spiders carry dangerous venom, you can ask someone in your near vicinity or do a Google search online. - Clean the wound. After receiving a bite from a spider that is not dangerous, you should begin your homemade treatment by cleaning the wound so that it does not get infected. To clean the wound you should start by washing the spot with clean water and soap.
- Apply ice to the spot. Your next step is to place some ice on the bite area. The ice will help numb the pain that you might be experiencing and will also act as a means to stop any swelling from taking place for about 20 to 30 minutes.
- Elevate the bite area. Elevating the area where the spider bites you is helpful in decreasing your chances of the puncture swelling or you having an inflammation to deal with. If swelling or inflammation occurs it might take days for the wound to heal.
- Use minor drugs to relieve pain. If, after you have treated the wound, you are still experiencing some pain from the effects of the bite you can take aspirin or Tylenol to soothe the pain. If your child should get bitten by any non-dangerous spider do not give him or her aspirin to take. Instead, take the child to the doctor’s office for a checkup.
- Keep a close eye on the swelling. Keep a close eye on the swelling to see if it starts going down. The swelling is supposed to be going down in a few days time after the bite occurs. If this is not so, then make sure to pay your doctor a visit for him or her to treat you.
Make Sure You See Your Doctor When These Symptoms Occur
- Difficulty in breathing
- Feeling faint
- You find yourself sweating profusely
- Having muscle spasms
- Feeling nauseas
- Experiencing lesions
- Difficulty in swallowing due to tightening in the throat
Homemade Remedies for Spider Bites
Apply baking soda
The alkaline in baking soda will greatly help if you should happen to get bitten by a spider because it contains a powerful ingredient in it that helps to pull out the spider venom from the wound.
In addition, the alkaline helps to decrease pain, inflammation and any itching that you might be experiencing.
Here is how to mix things up
- Combine three teaspoons of water with one teaspoon baking powder.
- Use a cotton ball to gently rub the mixture onto the spot where the bite is.
- Use some lukewarm water and thoroughly wash the wound.
- If you are still feeling any pain after applying the first three steps above, carry out a repeat a few hours later.
Use ice pack
An ice pack is a great help to you if you should get bitten by a spider. However, before apply the pack; make sure the wound is properly washed. The coldness of the ice will help the itching and pain to go away quicker as well as help to push back inflammation and swelling.
Follow the simple instructions below when using the ice pack method.
- Put some ice cubes in a towel and then wrap the ice inside the towel.
- Hold the towel with the ice on top of the bite for about 10 minutes each time. You can repeat the process during the day if the affected area on your skin continues hurting you.
- If you do not have any ice available, you can hold the bite area under running water for a while.
Use some salt to help heal the affected area
Salt has strong inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can help against spider bites. Its powerful properties can get the venom out of your body so that you can get better quickly. It is also a great source that can decrease swelling and redness that often appears after a bite.
Here is how to apply salt to the infected area.
- Properly wash the wound with soap and warm water.
- Put some sprinkled table salt on a wet washcloth
- Bandage or tie the wet cloth over the affected area. Remove the cloth after a few hours or so.
- If the swelling is still seen or you continue to feel pain, you may reapply the washcloth as needed.
Use some potatoes
Using a starchy potato to help deal with a spider bite will be most helpful to you. The ingredients in the potato will help to deal with inflammation and itching as well as trigger a quick healing process.
Here is how to use potato to help with the healing process after a spider has bitten you.
- Instead of using a small potato, choose a large one so you can properly cover the bite area.
- Thoroughly wash the potato after peeling it.
- With the aid of a grater, grate the potato.
- Securely tie a handful of wet potato in a thin cloth
- Use some rubbing alcohol to clean the affected area and then tie the potato cloth on it.
- Leave the cloth on the skin until the potato begins to dry.
- Remove the potato cloth and wash the area thoroughly with some warm water.
- Continue putting a fresh potato cloth on the bite until the symptoms completely disappear.
Use aspirin
Aspirin is a great source of healing for minor spider bites. By pasting some aspirin to the punctured area it can quickly draw out the venom that comes in the bite. It is also good for inflammation and swelling control.
Follow the simple instructions below on how to use aspirin to get rid of spider bite symptoms.
- Form a paste by soaking one or two aspirins in a little water.
- Put the paste on the affected area for a few hours.
- Use some lukewarm water to properly wash off the paste.
- If symptoms persist, start the process all over again. You can do so as long as you think necessary.
Try activated charcoal
Another option you can turn to when controlling the symptoms from a spider bite is to use activated charcoal. Since it has an absorption property residing in it, you can depend on its power to draw out any poisonous substance that might want to attack the body after receiving a spider bite.
Use the simple activated charcoal method below to help you overcome symptoms from a spider bite.
- Use water and some activated charcoal to get a paste going.
- Use some warm water to clean the bite area and then use a bandage to tie the paste over it.
- Continue the process every three hours during the first day so that the poison can be neutralized. If symptoms persist, you can continue the process the next day as well.
- If you go to a doctor for treatment, he or she might give you some activated charcoal capsules to take in order to get completely well.
You can use lemon juice
A good home remedy for spider bites is lemon juice. The juice in the lemon will keep your skin from continued itching, inflammation and swelling that usually accompany a spider bite. It is also a strong antidote that helps to kill any spreading infection.
Follow the instructions below about how to apply lemon juice to a spider bite.
- Get a fresh lemon and extract the juice from it.
- Use a cotton ball to apply the lemon juice to the affected area on your skin.
- Allow the juice time to dry on the affected area and then rinse off the spot using lukewarm water.
- Another way to apply the lemon is to use it to rub against the bite area. Wait for about five minutes then wash off using lukewarm water.
Apply turmeric
A great source for healing spider bites is turmeric.
The spice contains natural ingredients such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic contents that are good for killing any pain you might be experiencing after a spider has bitten you. Turmeric is good for helping to ease the swelling as well.
Here is how to apply turmeric.
- Form a paste by combining one to two teaspoonfuls of turmeric powder with some olive oil. Mix them together to get the paste.
- Put the paste on the bite area and leave for about 10 minutes.
- Use warm water to rinse the area after the 10 minutes are up.
- Another way to deal with the bite is for you to mix a tablespoon full of turmeric powder. Then blend the powder with some clean lilac leaves to make a paste. Spread the paste on the bite area and leave it for about 20 or so minutes after which you must rinse the area with some warm water.
You can repeat the above steps and apply more turmeric if you would still like to stop pain and other symptoms caused from the spider bite.
Apply Aloe Vera to the bite area
Using aloe Vera gel to treat spider bites is a great way to stop the effects of the bite from your body. The gel is powerful because it contains natural healing properties, such as inflammatory and antiseptic agents, as well as a soothing ingredient that attacks pain and swelling. It is a good, quick healing source for your body.
Follow the simple instructions below on how to apply aloe vera to a spider bite.
- After picking the aloe vera leaf, make sure to wash it off properly.
- Use a sharp instrument like a knife to cut the leaf open so that you can have access to the powerful gel inside.
- Put the fresh gel from the leaf on the spot where the bite is.
- Do the same thing for a few days as needed until the bite symptoms are gone.
If you have any gel remaining, you can store it in a refrigerator for further use later on.
Use some peppermint
Peppermint is a good healing source for spider bites because it contains awesome contents that help to relieve inflammation and decrease swelling as well as cut down on the amount of pain you might feel. It is also a good remedy to calm itchiness you might be experiencing after a bite occurs.
Here is how to apply peppermint.
- Properly and carefully rub the juice extracted from the peppermint on and into the bite area.
- Allow the peppermint to remain on the affected area for about 15 to 20 minutes after which you can rinse using warm water. You can repeat this method anytime during the healing process until all symptoms are completely gone.
- Another way to take advantage of the powerful ingredients that peppermint contains is by rubbing the oil on the bite area two times per day or until symptoms cease.
If you are allergic to peppermint, it is better not to apply it so that it will not affect you in a negative way.
Additional tips to speed up the healing process and help you get over the trauma of experiencing a spider bite
- Keep a careful check on the bite area for some days to see how well it is healing and if the symptoms are getting worse.
- Try to identify the spider that bit you so that the right treatment can be administered to you. If you are uncertain of the type of spider that bite you, try to remember what it looks like and go online and do a search on spiders. Chances are that the one that bit you will show up on the screen and you will have the chance of gathering information about it so that you or the doctor will know what treatment to use to get you better.
- In the future, to prevent further bites from spiders, you should make sure to wear gloves, long trousers, long sleeve shirt, hat and boots.
- If you have to clean garages, sheds, basements, attics or other places where spiders are likely to be lurking, make sure to be extra careful.
- If you have gardening tools lying idly around or stored away for a long time, make sure to carefully inspect and properly shake them out before using them again.
- Keep your house free of spider by installing tight-fitting doors and window screens.
- Get rid of old boxes that you are not using and old clothes you are not wearing.
- Keep storage areas as clean as possible and free from old items not in use.
- Since some spiders love to live under rocks, it is best for you to remove any unwanted or unnecessary rocks from your garden area. However, if you see it necessary to keep your garden rocks, you must be extra careful when tending to your garden. Spiders have a way of suddenly biting a person who, for one reason or another, disturbs their resting or living space.
Some Deadly Spiders That You Need to Know
Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles Reclusa)
The brown recluse spider, also known as a violin spider, can be found in the US and is today one of the most deadly species of spiders existing in the world. Its venom attacks blood vessels in any living creature it bites and can trigger large, visible skin ulcers on the body.
The wound left by the brown recluse spider can be very painful and when treated by a doctor can still take months to heal.
Yellow sac spider (Cheriacanthium Inclusum)
The yellow sack spider may measure about 3 to 15 mm in length and can be venomous to the human population. It is often found in Mexico, South America and the US.
It lives in grassy places and under stones where it builds silken tubes. This type of spider does not easily attack humans unless they are threatened, especially in the case when the female spider has to protect her eggs.
Wolf spider (Family Lycosidae)
Wolf spiders can be found anywhere in the world and can grow up to 2.5 cm (1 inch) in length. They mainly live in grassy places, underneath logs and stones as well as leaves that fall on the ground.
The wolf spider is not really very aggressive but will attack anyone who tries to harm it. The spider has large fangs that can cause you to experience physical trauma if bitten. When bitten, you will experience annoying inching on the skin where the wound is.
Black widow spider (Latrodectus Mactans)
The black widow spider is known to frequent the US, Canada and the West Indies. It lives amongst woodpiles, burrows and some plants where it can make its webbing more attractive to unsuspecting prey.
If you are bitten by a black widow spider, you will begin to experience muscle pain, nausea and cramping. It is reported that the bite of the black widow can be fatal to elderly people and children.
Brown widow spider (Latrodectus Geometricus)
The brown widow spider was first seen in Africa but today is living in other parts of the world such as the US, Caribbean Islands, Japan, South Africa, Cyprus, Madagascar and Australia. Its venom is two times more powerful than that of the black widow spider and if one is not treated after a bite, he or she can die.
This spider frequents inside of buildings, under vehicles, on the inside of old tires and among vegetation as well as shrubs.
Final Words
If you are bitten by any of the above spiders, it is best that you seek medical help as soon as possible to avoid health issues.
Knowing what treatment to apply to certain spider bites will give you an upper-hand in the quest to remain healthy after a bite occurs. Although some bites might be painful, still you can overcome any health issues associated with the wound and go on living your life. Do read our piece on how to make homemade insect repellents to further protect you outdoors.
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